Petals from the Basket

Have you noticed…?

Have you noticed that Saturday night is the night your favorite movie comes on tv at 11:oo p.m.?

Have you noticed that Sunday is the easiest day to wake up feeling yucky?

Have you noticed (those of you with children) that Sunday is the day that your children want to take their sweet time, want to argue, and don’t want to eat whatever it is you’re serving for breakfast?

Have you noticed that Sunday morning is the one certain morning when everything about getting ready seems to take longer and that you’re almost guaranteed to have a bad hair day that needs time to do a “do-over?”

Have you noticed that while you sit in the worship service, your fretful heart and mind are anything but worshipful?

Have you ever stopped to think that if “the evil ick” is trying this hard to deter your thoughts from worshiping and honoring God on Sunday morning…

…what must he be doing to your pastor to prevent him from being effective?

But—God is greater!


Thank you for reading “Have you noticed…?”
So—have you prayed for your pastor today?

5 thoughts on “Have you noticed…?

  1. madridmom

    Before you go to bed on Saturday you could pray for your missionaries too. They’re probably just starting their Sunday and they fight with these same things too.

    1. Petals from the Basket Post author

      Great reminder, Alice! I pray for you (and other missionaries) on Thursdays right now, but it makes total sense to move them to Saturdays! I love it! As soon as I post this comment, the crew in Spain will be prayed for! 🙂

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