Petals from the Basket

My “Universal Comparative”

God is Greater.” Though I’ve also used it in the past, that statement is my “motto” for the year. It’s not even the end of January yet, and I’m seeing it lived out on a daily basis! Yes, it is true that God is the greatest, but there is something poignant in the fact that He is also greater!

If I were editing a book or a document and if I were to see the statement that something is merely “greater,” I would leave the comment: “In order to use this comparative, you must state what it is greater than.” In other words, a writer or speaker should not just state: “That store is better.” He or she would need to say: “That store is better than the department store across the street.”

However, “God is greater” needs no item of comparison, because He is greater than everything! He is greater than any other object of my affection. He is greater than any problem or trial I may face. He is even greater than that which is deemed the greatest on earth! To use today’s “halting punctuation” for emphasis: God. Is. Greater. Therefore, I call the statement my “universal comparative.” It’s universally true that God is greater!

But how does this show itself to be true in everyday life? I’m glad you asked! 🙂 This past week, I have seen this in the following specific ways (there are many more than I am listing):

* My friend Patti shared two weeks ago that she was having difficulty fitting in time with the Lord each day. As a group of friends prayed for her, and as she made it a matter of prayer herself, God gave her quality time (not measured in minutes or hours) with Him this past week. God is greater—than busy schedules and than the man-made priorities of our lives.

* I was struggling with the fact that I had worked hard to take a course on resume-writing techniques only to have no resumes to update at present. After helping a friend update his resume last week, he shared my contact information with a friend, and as I told a friend out of state about this new contact, she was so excited to hear that I do resumes that she sent me hers and referred me to a friend whose resume information I received last night! God is greater—than my doubts or worries, and God is greater—than the normal time it takes to gather resume clients.

But let’s take this one step further. Yes, knowing that God is greater should give me strength for today, but it should also give me hope and peace and joy about my tomorrows (as God wills).

* Many young moms tell me that Sundays are hectic, anxiety-filled mornings for them. Well, duh. The evil ick doesn’t want you rejoicing in hearing God’s Word and fellowshiping with His people. So just plan today (Saturday) that you are going to see from the start of the day on Sunday that God is greater. He is greater than the desire to sleep in (in spite of the frigid temperatures). He is greater than your desire to argue with your spouse or sibling—or yourself—over things that don’t honestly matter. Trust me. Simply meditating on the words “God is greater” when the alarm clock goes off will change your mindset. Because it’s true: God is greater!

Hallelujah for the awesome truth in the simple universal comparative: God is greater!

“This then is how we know that we belong to the truth, and how we set our hearts at rest in his presence whenever our hearts condemn us. For God is greater than our hearts, and he knows everything.” (I John 3:19-20, NIV)

“You, dear children, are from God and have overcome them, because the one who is in you is greater than the one who is in the world.” (I John 4:4, NIV)



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