Petals from the Basket

Dear Mom,

I will speak to you directly, rather than in third person, because I know you will read this. You read every post on my blog, and graciously send me an email after nearly every one. You encourage me to continue pursuing my passion, even in the midst of an uncertain path. Thank you for that!

“Thank you for that” – – – this phrase could be said for so many things that I must force myself to narrow the list for the sake of time and space:

You love Daddy with the kind of love the Bible says a wife should have for her husband. Thank you for that.

You love all four of us kids with all of our unique personalities and talents. Thank you for that.

You have loved your sons-in-law and “grandchildren-in-law” as you have loved each of us. Thank you for that.

You are a proud grandmother and great grandmother – and rightfully so, this “auntie” thinks – with your greatest prayer being that your great grandchildren, grandchildren, and your children, walk in the ways of the Lord. Thank you for that.

You have given us a home, without binding us to it when it was time to begin our own. Thank you for that.

You have given us the gift of failure so that we could learn and grow without your keeping us from the opportunities provided by those vital life lessons. Thank you for that.

You have lived at home what you have taught in public. Thank you for that.

Your own love for the Word of God has driven us to its pages for wisdom, guidance, reproof, and instruction. Thank you for that.

You have answered our questions with Scripture and with the promise of your prayers. Thank you for that.

Your prayers for us have been constant and heartfelt. Thank you for that.

You have taught us to keep moving forward since we can learn from, but never change, the past. Thank you for that.

Your laughter has brought smiles, futile attempts at imitation, and joy to our home. Thank you for that.

Your ability to find the positive in literally everything has been a haven in a world that delights in finding the negative. Thank you for that.

You were a Titus 2 woman long before books and classes were based on Titus 2. Thank you for that.

Because of the love you have for Him, you have loved us with His love and shown us His love. Thank you for that.

Above all, you have loved the Lord your God with all your heart and soul and mind, you daily choose Christ, you continue to serve Him, and you long to see Him reflected in you – and He is. Thank you for that.

Happy Mother’s Day – I love you, Mom!


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