Petals from the Basket

Choosing Praise

One of the things I have been intentional about doing since losing my job almost two months ago is waking up early, getting dressed for “work,” and starting my day as I would if I were leaving my apartment for an out-of-the-house job. It keeps me productive, positive, and progressing! For me, that “waking up early” time is 4:50 a.m. – the time I rise when working outside the home – and now “inside the home!”

Part of my early-morning routine is to have a God-and-I-time once my mind is alert and I am free from distraction. I’m a firm believer that your time with God doesn’t have to be your first time chronologically, but rather your first-place time – a time when you can give Him your BEST attention and devotion! For me, that time just happens to be fairly early into my morning routine.

Well, in my promise of transparency, I will tell you that waking up was tricky this morning since I had just gotten to sleep. I have actually had amazingly-peaceful sleep during this time of uncertainty…until last night. I tossed. I turned. I looked at the clock. I tried to listen to the Bible via audio book, but got distracted by the thick English accent of the recorded reader. I turned on the radio, but found myself internally singing along. There were just too many things on my mind. I prayed, and prayed again, and then rolled over and prayed some more. I was troubled, yet at peace because I had the Creator of all things to turn to for help. The uncertainty of “tomorrow” became overwhelming in the darkest hours of the night.

But, yuck, let’s not dwell on the what-if’s and the uncertainties! I choose today to place my focus on the Unchangeable God!

This morning I read I Samuel chapters 16 and 17. Chapter 16 records the selection of David as the future King. (God told Samuel to anoint him.) Chapter 17 records the defeat of mighty Goliath with only one little stone (more clearly –  by the hand of God).

What gave me a peace that passes understanding this morning was seeing that God chose David and then led him all the way! David wasn’t perfect. David didn’t “deserve” any of it! But because of Saul’s bouts of depression, David was brought on staff at the palace to play his harp for King Saul and to be an armor bearer for the king. He was right where he could get the best possible training – in his future office! His defeat of Goliath then brought financial care for his family, as the king had promised to greatly reward the person who would conquer Goliath! His many Psalms record not only his cries for help, but more importantly, His praise to the Almighty for His all-encompassing care and for the help He freely gives!

God had every element of it covered…

…and I serve the same God that David did!

So today, I choose praise!


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