Petals from the Basket


Yes. I love football. Even my “About” page includes a shoutout to my favorite college team. (Go, Irish!) In fact, several years ago, I posted a survey to gather input from readers on my then-current topic choices, and more than one reply scolded me with: “You talk about football too much!”

Tonight, my thoughts returned to this too-long-neglected website and my faith-based blog here. Ironically, what motivated me to write tonight was the football game currently playing in the background. I watched as a player simply refused to be taken down before crossing the ever-important first-down line. He was pushed from behind, yet he somehow managed to maintain his balance. Then someone on his right side came at him full force. Nope. He wouldn’t give in. He swayed to the left, again keeping his footing somehow intact—and moving forward in spite of the attacks intended to stop him.

The entire time, his eyes were fixed on the yard line that he knew he needed to reach in order for his team to retain possession of the ball. He didn’t look over, back, or around at the opposition. He looked forward, toward his assignment, and he was not about to be stopped.

He got the first down.

In that moment—well, after I shouted out a heartfelt, “Woo hoo!”—I questioned my own passion for reaching my goals. It is with regret that I share that I am too easily distracted by the opposition, and that too often I take my eyes off of the assignment God has entrusted to me. I become enamored by everything but what I’m supposed to be running toward—actually, Who I should be running toward.

However, my session of “life lessons from the NFL” didn’t end there.

About three plays later, a pretty well-known, highly skilled player dropped the ball that was thrown to him. He knew it was his fault, dropped to his knee, and was angry with himself for messing up what could have been a great play. Yet, here was the second part of the lesson I needed tonight: He didn’t stay down. He jumped back up, shook it off, and had a look of determination that told the crowd and all the viewers at home that he was not going to be overcome by a past failure. He knew what to do, what his assignment was, and that he had the training and encouragement from his coach to do what needed to be done.

Two plays later, he made an amazing catch that, in the next play, led to an incredible, much-needed touchdown!

Football fan or not, you’ve been equipped by the greatest Teacher/Coach of all time to do what needs to be done. Don’t let people, things, or anything the opposition throws at you distract you. Keep your eyes on Jesus.

And when you stumble, fail, mess up—get back up.

Lean into His grace.

Keep running toward Jesus!

Eyes on the goal!

For further reading:

Hebrews 12:1-2

Philippians 3:13-14

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