Petals from the Basket

The Effects of Total Immersion

The Captain’s Corner

In my last blog post (which you can read later, here), I mentioned that I had spent a few weeks assisting with a summer aviation camp for high school students. The campers were immersed in the field of flying and actually got to fly the airplane on either their first of second day of camp!

The campers’ enthusiasm was both obvious and contagious; their conversation, about flying and airplanes. It was a joy for me to share their fascination with flight.

From my first flying lesson at the age of fifteen, I too was captivated by flight. Additionally, my numerous years of flying often filled my mind with airplanes and all things aviation-related.

However, this can lead to a personal fault, which I freely confess: If you ask me about airplanes, you’ll hear an answer filled with more than you ever wished to know. In other words: extreme input of information leads to extreme output in explanation!

This principle of input and its corresponding output reminds me to consider God’s Word and its role in everyday Christian living.

Psalm 119:113, KJV – “…Thy law do I love.”

Psalm 119:174, ESV – “…Your law is my delight.”

I have to ask myself, How much love do I have for God’s Word? How much do I delight in it? Am I fascinated and fixated on God’s Word as much as I am on the topic of flying? 

When we immerse ourselves in God’s Word, it will be reflected in our conversation, as seen in Psalm 119:171 (ESV): “My lips will pour forth praise, for you teach me your statutes”). Additionally, we will have a ready answer to give to others who see the hope of God within us: “But sanctify Christ as Lord in your hearts, always being ready to make a defense to everyone who asks you to give an account for the hope that is in you, yet with gentleness and reverence” (1 Peter 3:15, NASB).

Click here to visit our YouTube channel today to hear Joe share some highlights from this post.


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