Petals from the Basket

The “Oopsie, Daisy” Rose

During the month of March, I am forming a bouquet of blog posts using a variety of “roses” that will be formed with these petals from the basket : (1) a quotation, (2) a daily verse, (3) a devotional thought, (4) a book dealing with that day’s topic, and (5) an idea to put into practice!

Petal 1: “If…just one young or older person would profit by all the mistakes I’ve made, I’m willing to share it.” —Lucy Winchester, granting permission to the author to share her true story via the novel, Lucy Winchester

Petal 2: “Each time he said, ‘My grace is all you need. My power works best in weakness.’ So now I am glad to boast about my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ can work through me.” —II Corinthians 12:9, NLT

Petal 3: Last night, I wrote a letter to a friend, and I made a mistake on it—to which I blurted out, “Oopsie, Daisy”—but I’m still going to send it! That’s a huge change in my thought processes, because for most of my life, I would have thrown the letter away and started over. Thankfully, God doesn’t throw us out when we “blow it” spiritually. He loves us, gives us His grace, and strengthens us to keep moving forward so that His power can work in us and through us!

Petal 4: Though it has a copyright of 1969 (and though it’s rare for me to recommend a novel), Lucy Winchester, by Christmas Carol Kaufman, is a must-read book based on the real-life story of a dear child of God.

Petal 5: When—not if—you make a mistake today, just say, “Oopsie, Daisy” (and if need be, “Lord, please forgive me”), smile at this opportunity for God’s grace to shine through you, and keep moving forward!

2 thoughts on “The “Oopsie, Daisy” Rose

  1. Darcy Fish

    I have received so many blessings since reading your posts and following your suggestions. It has truly been an encouragement and source of inspiration for my days. Thank you for this precious ministry. I know you spend much time preparing the content and I thank you for this sacrificial gift of your time and energy. Blessed through your efforts, Darcy

    1. Petals from the Basket Post author

      Thank you, Darcy, for encouraging my day! I appreciate that you take the time to read the posts—especially in the middle of your very busy schedule. God is good, my friend!

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