Petals from the Basket

It’s Time to Fill the Cleaning Sponge

Why do we think it’s weak to stop and get off the hamster wheel for a bit? Why do we feel guilty for sitting on a park bench and enjoying the beautiful flowers or pulling on a hoodie in the evening so we can walk outside and enjoy the subtle color changes already taking place in the leaves? What level of perfection do we think we attain simply by being exhausted…without any accompanying joy?

Jesus was our example. He was perfect in all things; yet, I love the fact that Jesus needed some quiet time after being around crowds of people. I love that He went to gardens and lakes and pretty areas when He needed to refresh His own spirit. I love that He was passionate about fulfilling His purpose and gave 100%, 100% of the time. And then He “regrouped.”

I love that in the midst of it all, He stopped and talked to the children, giving them His full attention.

I love that He was refreshed by quiet time alone in prayer.

I love that He took those closest to Him with Him to the garden, to the waterfront, and to the scenic paths as they walked and talked together. He was refreshed by their spontaneous fellowship.

Take some time this weekend to regroup, refresh, and rejuvenate your spirit. Be wise, of course, because I’m not telling you to be a slug and do nothing all day! But if you think about it, for a cleaning sponge to do its best work, it needs to be refilled with water. It can’t very well serve its purpose after it’s all dried up from giving out all of the water that was its source for getting the work done. The same is true with you.

I’d love to hear in the comments below how you will choose to refresh your spirit this weekend!

One thought on “It’s Time to Fill the Cleaning Sponge

  1. Dyan

    Wow!!! This is EXACTLY what I needed to hear tonight. I was struggling with whether I should take time for myself this weekend after a busy week of teaching school. In order for me to be ready to face my students on Monday, I need to take time for myself this weekend. Thank you for sharing this!

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