Petals from the Basket

My 30-Day Address Book

It’s chilly here tonight. No, I take that back. It’s cold! 🙂  [It’s in the 40’s as of this writing.]

In an effort to warm up, I poured myself a huge mug of coffee at about 9:30. Yes, I know that was not smart. Yes, I will remember to drink herbal tea next time I’m cold after 5:00!

And yes, I’m more than slightly wired.

However, in my energetic state, I began cleaning out a desk drawer, and found one of those thin little address books from the dollar store. I have recently combined all of my address books and contact information into one nifty location, so I decided just to get rid of this little unused book. As I was getting ready to toss it toward the little wicker trash basket, a thought hit me. (Coffee actually gets my mind racing and is often a great idea-inducer for me! haha!)

During the month of June, I will be reading the book of Psalms again. (I generally try to read it on the months that have 30 days. I read five chapters per day: 1, 31, 61, 91, 121; then on June 2nd I’ll read five more: 2, 32, 62, 92, 122, and so on.) In April, I kept a journal of what I learned from the Psalms in relation to all God was teaching me on my detour. It was awesome! But as I looked at that little $1.00 address book, I thought, “Hey, that would be a great place to list all the names and attributes of God I come across throughout the month of June!”

Since I’m always looking for new names and attributes of God to incorporate into my praise walks, and more importantly, for the purpose of learning more about my great God, I’m really really, really excited about doing this all month! As I find a name or attribute, I will list it under the alphabetical tab for that letter. Then, in the “address” line, I’ll put the reference(s) where I found that word!

Yes, I could do the same thing in a spiral notebook, but this is already divided alphabetically, is compact enough to carry in my purse, and it’s got a cute little cover! Why didn’t I think of this before?

Anyone care to join me?


Thank you for taking time to read “My 30-Day Address Book.” Please feel free to comment or question.

6 thoughts on “My 30-Day Address Book

  1. Cheryl Hairgrove

    What a fantastic idea! Each November I use your “gratefulness project” and now I’m using this address book idea! Thank you for sharing this. I love my “praise walks” with God too!

    1. Petals from the Basket Post author

      You are such a sweetie, Cheryl! I LOVE knowing that you are still doing the 30 Days of Gratitude in November, and am “tickled pink” that you will be joining in on the 30-Day Address Book project as well! If only we lived nearer to one another, I would LOVE going on a praise walk with you!

  2. Mary Lanier

    Brenda, You are so gifted. What a great idea. I hope you don’t mind that I have shared your idea with my Bible study ladies and my four sisters, giving you full credit for the idea and inviting them to join us.

    This is the first time I have read your blog. I have some catching up to do. You bless me.
    Love and Blessings to you, sweet girl.
    – Mary

    1. Petals from the Basket Post author

      Mary!!! Thank you, my friend, for taking time to stop by the site and read the post! I was thrilled to see the words “join us,” meaning you are going to be doing it; and no, I don’t mind your sharing it at all! The more of us who are learning more of God, the better! Your friendship is a treasure!

  3. Janice C.C.

    What a remarkable idea! Just this past week, my ladies Sunday School class shared Bible study ideas that had proved both helpful and simple to carry out. This is another idea to pass along to them. I will join you in doing this during the month of June.

    1. Petals from the Basket Post author

      Sweet Janice, your class is very blessed to have such a caring teacher. I feel like I’m one of your class members as I read about all the great things you do in class and in preparation for your class! You really are a gem!

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