Petals from the Basket

Lord, please be with….

This post may shake up your thinking a little. It may even change the way you pray. I hope it will do both.

As Christians, we can tend to react to current trends in Christendom with extremes. For example, if a group tends to strongly overemphasize the work of the Holy Spirit, we may avoid spending too much time talking about the Holy Spirit—almost “downplaying” His work, if you will. We don’t want to appear as “extreme” as “those people,” so we go to the opposite extreme.

Another increasingly popular teaching involves the seemingly extreme focus on receiving blessings from God based on calling out to Him with a “name it and claim it” thought process. In reacting to this “prosperity gospel” approach, we may avoid teachings about exercising our faith in order to accept the limitless blessings of God. We try so hard to avoid the one because of our belief that even “unanswered prayer” (i.e., a different answer from what we prayed for) is a gift from God, so we focus on that element of prayer rather than approaching the “scary zone” that our God is exceedingly able!

Yet I believe that both of these examples illustrate that the evil ick (the devil) often has us right where he wants us.

He wants us to be intimidated by the thought of calling out to the Holy Spirit to lead us, guide us, comfort us. He wants us to avoid acknowledging that the Holy Spirit indwells us, empowers us, and teaches us. He wants us to be silent because we fear becoming “too extreme.”

Additionally, the evil one wants us to place a border on what we feel we can ask God to do. After all, if we truly believe God can do anything (see Jeremiah 32:17) and provide “exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think” (see Ephesians 3:20), people may think we’re teaching extremist thoughts on God’s blessings and the prosperity of His provisions.

But we can’t let Satan win. God is greater.

Yet despite what we know to be right, we continue to let the evil one hold our faith at bay. We give in to his whispers about what others may or may not think. We care too much and forfeit the victory too quickly.

I am more and more convinced of this as I hear my fellow believers pray. Our words are “if-y.” We give God an “out” in case our prayer is not answered as we prayed. Yes, Christ taught us that we are to pray for God’s will to be done, acknowledging (with no timidity involved) that it’s up to God to do as He chooses and to uphold His promises to care for us, to love us, and to never leave us or forsake us.

However, while speaking in prayer of our faith in His ability to provide, to hear, and to answer, we continue to use words like “be with” on a regular basis: “Lord, be with the speaker today”; “Lord, be with my kids while they’re in school”; “Father, please be with my friend who is having surgery today.”

If faith is trusting God to keep His Word (and it is), then we must believe Him when He says, “I will never leave you nor forsake you” (Hebrews 13:5, ESV). This verse tells us that we have no need to ask Him the specific request to, “Be with….” He has already promised that He’s there! Our faith is too small.

Additionally, Jesus Himself spoke the words, “You do not have because you do not ask” (James 4:2, NASB). Sweet faith-friend, ask. Ask for His will to be done. Ask believing that He is already there. But ask.

Don’t let the evil ick hinder your prayers, minimize your faith, or keep you from receiving the bounty of God’s blessings simply out of fear of becoming “too extreme!”

God is greater. God is able. God is already there.


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4 thoughts on “Lord, please be with….

  1. Vicky Daniels

    Thank you for this post and encouragement to pray boldly before the Throne of Grace. I, too, see so many trends of extremism when we react to those trends that take God’s Word beyond the boundaries of what is written. I think because of the extreme excitement and emotion that the charismatic movement has brought on, sometime we conservative Christians are afraid of expressing any emotion at all. I think that falls into the same category of what you are expressing here.
    I know that I’m guilty of saying, “Be with…so and so during surgery, their trial, their trip, etc,” and I stand corrected. This year, I have made a personal goal of praying more specifically and expecting the Lord to answer just as specifically. It has been so encouraging to see the Lord giving me some mighty powerful answers to those prayers! Praise Him! Thank you, Brenda, for encouraging us in our daily walk with the Lord.

  2. Ellen

    Thank you for this post. You shared so many reminders of what God’s Word says and weak my faith really is. Whatsoever is not of faith is sin. Oh me. Thanks again.

  3. Lea Ann

    Yes!! I need to work on this. I thought I was praying confident prayers but later on, when the prayer was answered, I showed hesitation. She said “No! Believe it! You prayed for it, and God answered!” (I’d had a cough that was pretty bad and I have bronchial issues along with a weird reaction to taking prednisone. The middle of the night before my doctor’s appointment, I was wheezing and my air was whistling through my lungs. I prayed for healing in Jesus name and touch my hand on all the areas to be healed – including my lungs, ears, sinuses, etc. I went to the doctor and my cough was loud BUT when she listened to my lungs, they were perfectly clear. I did not have to take prednisone but was given an antibiotic for the double ear infection. That’s an answer to prayer… God healed the areas I prayed for but I wasn’t fully aware of the ear infections. I too pray hesitant prayers too often and needed your reminder to pray confident prayers. Today the verse has been going through my head, “I can do ALL THINGS through Christ who gives me strength”! I had some anxious thoughts and had to pray out loud… okay what does “all things” mean? It means _____________ (one of the many things I had to do today) and I listed each one as part of “all things”… and I was able to complete every single one of those things! We can do this!!! 🙂

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