Petals from the Basket

It’s Time for a Praise Walk

If you’re relatively new to this blog, you may be unfamiliar with a “Praise Walk.” I first learned about this while visiting the Philippines in 1993. It was not original with my friends there; they had learned it many years before that from someone else. I won’t take time to tell that story again, but I will summarize briefly what a “Praise Walk” is.

Start with “A” and think of a name, character quality, attribute, or action of God that starts with that letter. If you’re doing this on a walk with a friend or in the car with your children, the next person will then do the same thing with “B.” Simply proceed through the alphabet. (You’ll need to get a little creative with letters like “Q” and “X.”)

The fun thing is that you can even do this alone. Over the last twenty years since that walk in the Philippines, I have probably done hundreds of “Praise Walks, Sits, and Drives” by myself or with friends. To prepare my heart for worship on Sunday, I do this on my short two-mile drive to church, and I often find myself looking in the Bible for new names or attributes when I have my God-and-I-Time!

I encourage you to take a “Praise Walk” today—either by yourself or with a friend or family member(s). I spent some time last night having a “Praise Sit” in my favorite chair while listening to the rain. I was reminded again just how truly amazing God is! Here are the names I came up with last night. See if you can think of some new ones as you take your “Praise Walk” today!


Thanks for reading “It’s Time for a Praise Walk.”
Do you have a favorite name, character quality,
attribute, or action of God? 
Please feel free to share it in a comment!

5 thoughts on “It’s Time for a Praise Walk

  1. Pingback: The Rose of Praise « Petals from the Basket

  2. Pingback: The Rose of Worship « Petals from the Basket

  3. Cheryl

    This mornings “.. because I have hoped in your word…… your steadfast love comforts me …….. according to your promise.” Today I am praising God for being Hope, Comfort and Promise Keeper. Just yesterday I was thinking that I personally haven’t taken a Praise Walk in awhile. So today as I ride my bike I will be Praise Riding for God! What a joy to be apart of the family of our Awesome God.

    1. Petals from the Basket Post author

      Your verse is a perfect fit for the day I have ahead of me—so I just wrote it on a 3×5 card and set it next to my computer! Thanks for sharing that, my friend! Enjoy your “Praise Ride!”

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