Petals from the Basket

I Come to the Garden…Alone.

Today I have a heart filled with words that are multiplying into paragraphs with every beat of my pulse—so many, many words coming from so many, many thoughts. I’ve been sitting here, trying to put a tourniquet of emotion-stifling stoicism around them, but the thoughts are powerful, and my resistance is weak. Maybe I’m no longer supposed to resist. Maybe it’s time to let the thoughts form the words that form the blog post that forms a bridge for others to cross.

Stick with me on this statement: I am not single by choice. I am single because God chose it for me. And because I choose to let Him make the choices, essentially I have chosen to be single. There’s nothing noble or extremely spiritual about that thought process. In fact, when I finally realized it was not some big, larger-than-life thing to remove every element behind the words “I’m single” except for the actual facts, it became much easier to truly understand and be grateful for God’s choosing on this day.

If I say I believe that God created me, has a plan for me, and is the all-wise, all-knowing, loving, caring, and amazing God that the Bible tells me He is, then the facts are quite simple:

1. Today I am single.

2. Therefore, today I am supposed to be single.

It removes the, “What’s wrong with me?” questions. It removes the hurt when people say, “Oh, you’re so independent. No wonder, you’re not married.” It takes away the ache when people imply that you’re “not the marrying kind.” It soothes the sadness that comes when your own heart turns against you and tells you that you’re not pretty enough, smart enough, good enough, rich enough, worthy enough. The answer to all of those questions is simply, “Today God wants me single.”

It’s not a curse, a punishment, or a second-class label. It’s acceptance, yieldedness, and a recognition of God’s sovereignty—all encased in those two simple sentences.

Whew! That’s settled then, right? Oh how I wish it were that easy. Instead, I’d like to share three truths to remember when the evil ick tries to change those two statements into questions (i.e., when “Today I am single.” becomes “Why am I still single today?”).

*God did not forget you.

*He hung the stars in place. He knows them by name.

*He sees when a bird falls from a tree. He cares about His creation.

So you can be 100 percent assured that He is not in heaven, boppin’ Himself in the head, and saying, “I can’t believe I forgot all about _______.” You are loved…with an unconditional, everlasting love! You are NOT alone!

6 thoughts on “I Come to the Garden…Alone.

  1. Jan yoder

    Made me a little weepy Bremda. There is a part of me that understands. I love your thought process and I also very truly appreciate your walk and devotion to our Lord. Praying for you my friend.

  2. Hannah

    So thankful for El Roi. He sees. He knows. And He is good! Thank you, Brenda for your openness. I needed this reminder today.

    1. Petals from the Basket Post author

      Thank you, Hannah. I’m so glad the reminder served BOTH of us well. I’m studying the names of God right now, and “El Roi” is the name I’ll work on in a few days. You are so very right: He is good!

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