Petals from the Basket

Global Gratitude

We are setting aside the thirty days of November to be intentional about demonstrating and expressing our gratitude. We’d love for you to join us!

Though we can’t truly wrap our finite minds around it, God, the Father of the Fatherless, is also omnipresent. He is with my friend Laura when she is in Bangladesh; He is with my friend Miranda in Mexico and my friend Beth in Tanzania; He is with my spouseless friends in Brazil and China; and He is indeed the ever-present Father for each of these dear men and women who have accepted His plan for them to serve Him away from immediate family and long-time friends.

They would be the first to tell you that they do not call serving God a sacrifice—it is their joy. But they deserve our thanks today for sacrificing their “familiar” lives and for representing the rest of us in the family of God by sharing the gospel in countries we may never see.

Today’s “leave a comment” question:
What are some practical ways you’ve encouraged or thanked a single missionary?
Click here to download the “guide” we are using for the
Thirty Days of Gratitude.
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