Petals from the Basket

Give that Girl a “Comfort Snack”

It’s 11:30 on Tuesday night, and I’m here to tell you, it’s been a doozie of a day!

It’s rare that this happens, but I woke up dreading the day. My hair didn’t turn out and just sort of hung there making me look old(er). Then I spilled drool-y toothpaste down the front of my awesome pink oxford shirt, so I quickly threw on a faded zippered top and ran out the door to Bible study this morning. I loved the session, but then I  just sort of sat there like a lump of “whatever,” wishing I could go slump into a chair somewhere. And did I mention that it’s been super warm and pouring down rain off and on since last night? Oh…and it’s supposed to snow three to six inches by tomorrow night! What? WHAT???

Mark this date on your calendars, friends, because this rose-colored-glasses-wearin’ Pollyanna had a poopy day! (That’s what you get for reading the blog of a woman who promised from the outset to be transparent with you!)

So, what does one do when one would like to crawl back into bed until Spring really does arrive? She thinks about her mama’s awesome granola, drives to the store to get the ingredients, and then comes home and makes a batch. At this point, she finds comfort in the memories evoked by the smells and tastes of the freshly-made delight, so she shares the recipe on her blog! All is well once again!

I first shared this recipe on a blog that I had in 2008, so it might be a repeat for some. But it’s soooooooooooooo good I had to share it again!

From the kitchen of: Lorraine Strohbehn

Combine in large bowl:
5 cups old-fashioned oatmeal
1 cup sunflower seeds [I used raw to avoid the extra salt!]
1 cup powdered milk [And yes, I used fat-free]
1 cup wheat germ
2 teaspoons cinnamon
1 cup raw peanuts
1 cup chopped walnuts or sliced almonds
1 cup brown sesame seeds

Mix in a separate bowl:
1 cup vegetable or canola oil [or “EVOO”]
1 cup honey

Add liquid ingredients to dry and mix well.

Spread evenly on two (2) cookie sheets. Bake at 250 degrees for 30–35 minutes or until slightly brown. Stir every ten minutes and re-spread in pan—so it browns evenly. [It keeps “cooking” once you take it out of the oven, so don’t let it get too dark. The raw nuts will still taste raw at this point, and you’ll think you need to cook it longer—but don’t! It actually only looks “almost done” when it’s really done!]

Once you let it cool for another ten minutes, you may wish to stir in one (1) cup of raisins [i.e., Don’t cook them.]

Can be refrigerated or stored in an airtight container. Makes four quarts.


Thanks for reading “Give that Girl a ‘Comfort Snack.'”

What’s your favorite “comfort food” for long Winter days?

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