Petals from the Basket

Do You Hear What I Hear?

John chapter seven records an event in which, because of their preconceived belief, disbelief, or curiosity in the actions of Jesus, people were gathered together, discussing His possible motives for healing the man at the pool of Bethesda (as recorded in John 5). Their comments were filtered through one of those three categories. The way they “heard” Him affected the way things “appeared” to be.

Jesus, in His unconditional love for them (despite their attitudes, words, and actions), said, “Do not judge according to appearance but judge with righteous judgment” (John 7:24, NASB).

I too often base my judgments on my own past experiences, predetermined conclusions, or predicted outcomes.

Righteous judgment would apply patience, kindness, empathy, humility, love, and acceptance of the result that may be different from my own.

Lord, let me hear through Your loving ears and see through Your loving eyes rather than by filtering the words and actions of others through my selfish and proud thoughts.

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