Petals from the Basket

Dear February: Bring It!

There are only four good things about the month of February:

1. My dad’s birthday

2. My brother-in-law’s birthday

3. Valentine’s Day (I love that it makes my friends’ hearts smile.)

4. March is just around the corner

That’s why I started making February a contest month here on the blog. (Those from my pre-PetalsfromtheBasket blog remember our first letter-writing contest well, and I’ve continued the tradition here!) It’s purely selfish because even though February is the shortest month of the year, it just seems to take FOR.E.VER to get to March and its promise of spring, so I need something to keep me moving forward—on many different levels!

Before I tell you briefly about the awesome contest this year—and it’s seriously awesome!—I have to share exciting news! Well, two things really. First, unsolicited, someone noticed the start of the changes that are coming from my health and fitness efforts! [Can I get a “Woo Hoo!”] I’ve decided that the four sweetest words to me right now are not “I love you, Brenda” but “Have you lost weight?”

The second piece of news is that I’m thrilled beyond belief that my new friend Samantha Loucks will be guest posting for the blog! This is one awesome college student! I’ve already read her first post, and I can’t wait to share it with you on Thursday of this week. I’m hoping she’ll write often and add the “younger generation” perspective that can teach all of us so much! I’m also hoping that you’ll greatly encourage her in her pursuits of using these talents for Christ!

Okay, back to the contest. It starts on Saturday, it’s different from last year, and here’s an overview of how WRW Month will work (details and links will be posted on Friday).

Points will be given for:

Writing cards, letters, and non-business-related e-mails

Reading articles, books, and…Petals from the Basket!

Walking, exercising, and intentional fitness

Bonus points will be awarded every Saturday for:

Subscribing to Petals from the Basket (100 points per week, so if you already subscribe, you have a sure 400 points!)

Posting a comment here on the blog or on the Facebook Page

Reporting your points via a new easy, electronic system that will only take one click to access!

But here’s the biggie:

The prizes are better than ever—and they’re already purchased, so they’re guaranteed!

Actually, here’s the really big biggie for me: I’m not going to post every day in February! I’m being deliberate this year about keeping my focus on the blog—writing about what God is doing in my life at that very moment and providing ideas, encouragement, and resources in the process—so the blog won’t really change much other than a few “woo hoos” and “rah-rahs” as we proceed through the contest!

So, for today, just spend some extra moments in God’s Word. He created you, gave His Son on your behalf, loves you, and gave you brand new mercies this morning! I’d say that deserves at LEAST a few minutes of your time reading what He has to share with you today! (Lamentations 3:22-23 are GREAT verses for today!)

As for the month of February, I have only two words to say: Bring it.


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