Petals from the Basket


One of the questions in my Bible study homework for this week was, “How can we ‘gird up the loins of our minds?'” It was taken from Peter’s instruction in I Peter 1:13, which states (in the King James Version): “Wherefore gird up the loins of your mind, be sober, and hope to the end for the grace that is to be brought unto you at the revelation of Jesus Christ.”

To answer the homework question honestly, I had to say: “I need to rid myself of things that distract me from a forward—Godward—focus.” It meant changing some things. It meant that the time is now for eliminating distractors!

For me, distractors are usually much scarier than the obvious “bad” things: too much television or reading, too much time on social networking sites, or being lazy. No, for me, the distractors can be good things, like: helping a friend, encouraging someone, participating in a discussion Forum on Facebook, or even (prepare for what sounds like heresy coming from me)…too much time spent in goal setting or developing time-management tools.

So this morning, in obedience to Spirit-inspired, Peter-written instructions from God Himself, I began to get rid of distractors. I unsubscribed to e-mails that have no positive benefit—ever. I moved my work station to the area of my apartment where I am most productive. I made a list of Facebook forums that I will graciously withdraw from today, etc.

I’m actually looking forward to a week of saying “buh-bye” to these distractors and reintroducing myself to those things which serve a “forward-focus” purpose. In doing so, I pray that my mind will have more room for things that matter!


Today’s “surprise” points are 20 additional points for the following: If you do something from all three categories of walking, reading, and writing (with a minimum of five points in the walking and reading categories and a minimum of one encouraging e-mail), you will receive these extra points! Just let me know this when you report your totals.

Idea for treadmill walkers: Kill two birds with one stone—read while you walk. You’ll get points for both categories, plus you’ll get benefits for both your mind and your body!


Thanks for taking time to read, “Buh-Bye.”
Feel free to “leave a comment” and share some
of your biggest daily distractors and/or
how you overcome them.

2 thoughts on “Buh-Bye

  1. Madridmom

    Hmm, I get a lot of junk mail and spam in my email box. Maybe tomorrow I can set aside some time to clear it out. I toss old emails periodically but haven’t taken the next step to go ahead and unsubscribe to the site.

    On a side note: I got the bonus 20 for doing something in all 3 categories. 60 min of exercise, wrote a personal get well email, currently on page 47 of the book I started today. Oh, I forgot to include the bonus pts for finishing yesterday’s book when I sent you my points for last week.

  2. Cheryl

    This is such a good reminder for me. I need to get rid of those “crazy” distractions that mean absolutely nothing to me! Why am I wasting my time with such silliness? Love this post Brenda. Got rid of some non-important emails that come every day or so! Got off their list!!! Score! Although I love to see new decor ideas, I am limiting myself to my time on Pinterest as well. Thanks so much!

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