Petals from the Basket

Before I Asked….

About a week after unexpectedly losing my job, I realized that I would have to upgrade my computer programs to enable me to prepare an updated resume and to begin the writing I felt compelled to do. However, funds were low—to say the least—and I had no guarantee of making any more money in the near future. This was not a frivolous desire. It was a need—no, it was a necessity. I prayed. Fervently—with sincere faith that God would answer.

And here’s what my God did—just because He can:

That very afternoon I went to my mailbox and found a sweet card with a check enclosed. The senders stated that they knew I might have expenses during this time that I couldn’t meet, and they hoped this check would help.

It was the exact amount that I needed for the software upgrade! The. Exact. Amount.

Yes, I was reminded that God answers prayer. But more than that, I was reminded that God didn’t answer my prayer that day. He had actually answered it several days before, because my friends had mailed the check four days prior to my receiving it!

God reiterates this promise from Isaiah in Matthew 6:8 (KJV): “For your Father knoweth what things ye have need of, before ye ask him.”

So ask Him!

Isaiah 65:24, KJV:
“And it shall come to pass, that before they call,
I will answer;
and while they are yet speaking, I will hear.”


This post was taken from a daily devotional reading found on “May 2” in our book, Petals of Promises: 365 Daily Devotionals for Women. Click here to learn more about this book. (It would make a GREAT graduation gift!)

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