Petals from the Basket

At the Top of the Basket

UPDATED with WORKING LINKS! (Yes, I’m clearly a work in progress!)

In my bedroom is an old faded country blue recliner. I won’t lie to you – it’s ugly. However, my sister gave it to me a few years ago (it had been given to her), and it’s quite honestly the most comfortable chair I’ve ever owned. So I don’t try to hide it in a back corner or try to disguise it with an ill-fitting chair cover, I just let it sit there in all it’s tiny-flower-accented, light-country-blue ugliness!

Sitting in contrast next to that ugly chair is a beautiful basket literally filled with books. These are the ones I’ve read most recently and want to keep nearby for reference or for their underlined quotations that will enhance my early-morning “God and I Time.” On top of the stack is usually the book I’m reading at the moment. For those of you who are readers, you will understand when I say that it greets me as I enter the room and seemingly calls my name, inviting me to spend time in its pages! (Which I do – while sitting cozily in my ugly chair!)

Two very dear friends recommended the book currently claiming its rightful place on the top of the basket. Because I was intrigued by their almost over-the-top insistence that I read it, I gave in and purchased the book. I soon understood their passion for its relevance. I was touched by the first chapter, a first-hand recalling of the author’s real-time, real-life  journey through the valley of cancer. Its truths were transparent and I found myself drawn into walking with the writer and his family on his OFF SCRIPT experience. He carefully wove into each page the Scriptures he had come to love and learn about firsthand.

Then, as I began the third chapter one week into my “this-is-a-really-good-book” reading, my own life went OFF SCRIPT – not through cancer, but still very much off-script – and the pages took on an entirely new depth of meaning! Therefore, this is the first book I’m choosing to tell you about on this site. I would strongly recommend this book to everyone. Literally – everyone.

Off Script: What to Do When God Rewrites Your Life

Each of us has faced a situation at some point that led us down an unchosen path. Yet trusting God’s hand and knowing Him more is the focus of this well-written book. The truths of this book will guide you through your own off-script experiences and will help you as you comfort and counsel others. (I even ordered the Kindle version
to carry with me in my purse!) The encouraging Scriptures that are used and the God-focused lessons shared are worth every penny! A must read . . . straight from the top of my basket!

Disclosure: I am compensated for purchases made using the links on this site.

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