Petals from the Basket

A Revived Heart

Tuesday night, I was able to attend one of the sessions of the Revive Our Hearts “Revive Tour” (held at Moody Bible Institute in Chicago) and heard Nancy Leigh DeMoss speak from Isaiah 40 on “Making a Highway for King Jesus.” I have a niece who lives in the area, so she and a friend went with me. I can’t speak for them, but I can tell you that my heart was deeply blessed…and changed.

Those who regularly follow this blog know that I’m not an “idol worshiper” of people in high places. I admire leaders; I seek to learn from the teaching of those whose lives and ministries back up their authenticity, but I am guarded about following a person—probably because I’m a person too, and I know my own frailties and vulnerabilities well enough to know that every human faces those. My primary focus needs to be on the One Who never changes!

Nancy Leigh DeMoss

That’s why I seek spiritual leaders whose lives and whose writing/singing/preaching/teaching are saturated in God’s Word and point to Him. I can open a “Christian Living” book, leaf through it in three or four seconds, and tell you if I want to read it or not—all based on whether or not the Scriptures are included. Nancy Leigh DeMoss is clearly, by her writing, an avid student of the Bible, and her teaching is based on that; therefore, she is someone I sincerely admire and whose teaching (whether written or spoken) I will willingly (and often) put myself under. You’ll find some of Nancy’s books on my “Recommended Reading/Bookshelf” page: here.


Last night was personally a real highlight for me for several reasons (in no specific order):

With my Niece

*I got to worship God with my niece. We missed my other nieces (officially one niece and a niece-in-law), but it was a joy to learn God’s Word with this young woman of faith that I am privileged to serve as an auntie!

*In a “conference-style” setting at the beautiful Torrey-Gray Auditorium on the campus of Moody Bible Institute, the distractions of home were removed, and my heart was focused on the events of the evening.

Me with Shannon Wexelberg---Yes, that's a giant tear on my left cheek!

*Shannon Wexelberg was there. Hello. That right there would have been enough for me. At the risk of over-dramatizing her impact on my life this past year, I will state that her music has been used of God to serve as a lighthouse through some of the rough waters I’ve shared with you. Like Nancy’s teaching, Shannon’s music has one focus: the Almighty God! I went to the meeting with the excitement of meeting her but also with the slight fear of possibly finding out that perhaps she was a self-serving, lofty worship leader with the goal of simply selling more CDs (though her music would never imply that). Oh my heart, I cannot begin to tell you how far from the truth those fears ended up being. Shannon’s spirit of “real” and her humility of heart in her presentation of herself and her reflection of God’s love both on and off the platform were a firsthand validation of her desire for God to be magnified in her life and in her music.

Recently, I won Shannon’s newest CD, “Take Heart,” by simply tweeting about a blog post on Priscilla Shirer’s website: One song in particular, “Who You Say You Are,” has been a great blessing to me—daily. (You can click here to listen to a short sample of this song from the CD.) I’m grateful to have had the opportunity to thank Shannon in person for allowing God to use her talents for His glory, thereby using them in my life—also for his glory. In spite of my tears of gratitude (and really bad hair day—someone really should have told me not to try wearing it up in the midst of the Chicago wind), she was kind enough to take a picture with me and demonstrate in person her spirit of graciousness and humility. Thank you, Shannon!

*Nancy Leigh DeMoss shared a God-focused challenge from Isaiah 40. I won’t “re-preach” her message here (though you can read more about it here), but my bottom-line take-away was the following: I must (no options) remove any barriers or distractions that would prohibit my heart from being “A Highway for King Jesus.” My prayer following the meeting was, “Lord, I confess the distractions, accept your forgiveness, and ask you to send a revival—and start it in my heart!”

Here are the remaining dates and cities for the tour:

April 18–19/Grand Rapids, MI

May 14–15/Indianapolis, IN

May 16–17/Cleveland, OH

June 18–19/Lynchburg, VA

June 21-22/Lancaster, PA

Click here to go to the Revive Our Hearts website for additional information and tour details. If you’re on Twitter, look for the hashtag #revivetour.

There is sooo much more I’d love to share, but this has already been much longer than my desired blog-post length! I’ll end by saying that if you have the opportunity to attend one of the events in the remaining cities on the Revive Tour, go! Don’t ponder whether or not you can spare the time. Go! Be blessed, be encouraged, be stirred, and be changed!


Have you been to a True Woman conference or one of the stops
on the Revive Tour?
If so, I’d love to hear (in a comment below) how
God used/is using it in your life!


2 thoughts on “A Revived Heart

  1. Jen Pix

    Brenda… I’m so happy for you that you were able to attend this conference (if just for one night). I, too have been greatly encouraged and challenged by the teaching and ministry of Nancy Leigh DeMoss. I have not yet been to a True Women Conference, but every year I google the website to contemplate and wish I could go, particularly with my mom, sister and sister-in-law… maybe someday. 🙂

    1. Petals from the Basket Post author

      Thank you, Jennifer! It really was worth going! It was only a one-night event. The following morning, they had a separate event, where you could attend a recording session for the Revive Our Hearts radio program. Lord willing, I’m planning to attend the True Woman Conference in 2014 (they hold them every-other year). Several of my friends from Michigan and also my Women’s Ministries Director at my current church attended in 2012, but with the change in job situation, it didn’t work for me to go. But I’m already making it a priority for 2014—and like you, I’m hoping my sisters or others will be able to come with me! Let’s go—and how amazing would it be for the other women in your family to be there, too! (A friend told me that you can go for half price if you volunteer as a greeter or in some other role—but you still get to go to all the sessions!)

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