Petals from the Basket

A Gratitude Giveaway!

How are your thirty days of gratitude going? We are thrilled by the number of you who have joined us on this journey of intentional expressions of gratitude. Every year, about this time in the month of November, however, it starts to get old. You’ve worked hard, but now the holidays are getting closer, and there is a lot of work to do. Don’t give up. Keep choosing to express gratitude! And keep reading, because it’s about to get all giveaway-ish in here!

Sunday evening, our church was privileged to have the Mieczkowski Family present a sacred concert following our church-wide Thanksgiving dinner. Joe and I have become avid listeners of their music, and we decided to share their information with you today.

Philippians 4:6–7 (NASB) states: “Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all comprehension, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” We all long for, crave, and desire peace. These verses remind us that God’s peace is available to us (even promised to us!) when we thankfully present our requests to God. 

My friends, I take from these verses that an attitude of praise creates an atmosphere of peace.

So today, let me encourage you to create an atmosphere of peace in your home (your car, too)! My dear mother often told me that it’s hard for contention to exist when there is beautiful music playing. I follow her example by having instrumental music playing in the background from the minute we wake up until bedtime. (Thank You, Lord, for the “Repeat All” button on the CD player!)

As I hinted at above, Joe and I have a new favorite CD: Reflections of Praise, by the Mieczkowski Family. Two important things:

  1. Visit their website THIS week, because they are offering FREE SHIPPING (woo-hoo!) through November 25. Seriously. And the more CDs you buy for Christmas/Birthday/Just-Because-It’s-Tuesday gifts, the cheaper they are! Double woo-hoo!!!! After you read the next important thing, click here to visit their website:
  2. Leave a comment below (and/or below today’s video on our Petals from the Basket Facebook page) telling us one thing that you are thankful for today. The giveaway ends at midnight tonight (11/20/18, PST). A random number selector will choose from the entries one winner of a FREE Reflections of Praise CD! Oh. my heart. You will love how this CD helps to create an atmosphere of praise in your home, classroom, car, workplace, etc.!

We appreciate you! Now go…enter the giveaway!

6 thoughts on “A Gratitude Giveaway!

  1. Diane Dupont

    It’s not getting old for me! In fact, I’m going to miss your morning chats when the month is over! I’m thankful for the encouragement we can gain (or give) by a “word fitly spoken.” ❤️

  2. Jerilyn Wichert

    It is hard to only give one thing I am thankful for, but I guess it would have to be your 30 days challenge of thankfulness. It has made me very mindful of past and present people who have made an impact and are a special blessing in my life. Thank you for encouraging me to express my gratefulness.

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