Petals from the Basket

A Bonus Lesson from Mary and Martha

The names Mary and Martha are often spoken as one word, MaryandMartha, because the mention of their names takes us to the true and familiar story in the Bible that talks about the contrast in their “learning styles.” As their contrast is emphasized—often through books, Bible study lessons, and speakers at ladies’ retreats—we are challenged to sadly acknowledge that we are often “Marthas”; yet, we long to be more like Mary. Theirs was a lesson God probably chose to include so we could see that while serving Christ is great, truly knowing Him is better. (Later, take time to read Luke 10:38-42.)

However, while reading another historical record that speaks of these two sisters—found in John 11:1-45—it hit me that in this lesson, both sisters demonstrated an awesome focus; although, their focus here is often mistaken as we hurriedly read to check off “God-and-I-Time” on our daily to-do lists.

In this passage, Lazarus, the brother of Mary and Martha and a close friend of Jesus, died. While the fact that Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead is clearly the primary focus of this passage, note the response by Martha and the identical response by her sister, Mary:

Martha’s response, verse 21: “Lord, if You had been here, my brother would not have died.”

Mary’s response, verse 32: “Lord, if You had been here, my brother would not have died.”

Perhaps it’s due to our natural, sinful, negative tendencies, but at first glance, we often read those as “accusatory” statements from the sisters. However, look closely. Do you see it? It’s an incredible “bonus” lesson God provided for us from these two often-contrasted but now identical personalities.

Look at the faith represented by those mirrored comments! Both Martha and Mary acknowledged the great power that they knew Christ had! His very presence could have prevented what seemed horrid. Perhaps it was not that they were not accusing Him of “neglect,” but that they were demonstrating that now they both truly knew the magnitude of His power and had an understanding that “He is able” because He is Lord of all!

Maybe, when all is said and done, we can say with gratitude that we not only want to be like Mary, but we also want to be like Martha after all.


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“A Bonus Lesson from Mary and Martha.”


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