Petals from the Basket

A Brand New Must-Read Novel!

It is a huge privilege to introduce you to

a brand new novel

that is being released today!

 Tenth Plague

I had the opportunity to read an early copy of this book, and all I can say is that this novel grabbed me right from the first chapter! I started reading it after work on a Friday, and I didn’t put it down until I completed the final word—early the next morning! I’m a pretty picky reader, so it says a lot when I can wholeheartedly recommend it!

Adam Blumer’s unique ability to take a “normal family” and skillfully weave their journey through an intensely suspenseful set of circumstances made the book all the more exciting. I couldn’t go to sleep without knowing the ending. It did not disappoint! I can’t wait to hear what you think of it! This is meaningful suspense at it’s best! 



The Tenth Plague is a MUST-read novel! 

This will give you a look inside the cover before you purchase your copy:

Gaining custody of their adopted baby boy, Gillian and Marc Thayer head to a north woods retreat and conference center for some much-needed R & R. But protesters with placards and a PA system shatter the otherwise-peaceful surroundings. A Bible translation committee is holding its regional meeting, and the mob is protesting the committee’s efforts to create a controversial parallel Bible. While the protestors call down God’s wrath, an apparent plague of blood strikes the facility. Is God displeased with the committee? Or are the protestors somehow to blame?

When a committee member turns up dead, Marc and Gillian put their vacation on hold, enlist the help of retired homicide detective Chuck Riley, and take a closer look at the bizarre plagues as they escalate in intensity. Meanwhile, a stranger is after the Thayers’ baby. Will they uncover the truth behind the bitter agenda before the final plague, the death of the firstborn son?

Click on the photo of the book cover or any of the links in this post

to purchase your copy from!

TheTenth Plague

Adam Blumer’s first novel, Fatal Illusions, (introducing us to the Thayer family)

is also available on

Don’t have a Kindle? No problem! Just click here for options!

Tenth Plague

 Required Disclosure: I am compensated by Internet shopping sites
for all purchases made through the affiliate links on this blog.
Tenth Plague

2 thoughts on “A Brand New Must-Read Novel!

  1. Pingback: Starlight Promises…and Final Logistics! « Petals from the Basket

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