Petals from the Basket

Truly Amazing

I use the word amazing entirely too often. But it’s a great word, isn’t it? Your hair looks amazing! She’s an amazing musician! He is an amazing teacher! She is an amazing friend! We had an amazing time! It just…works!

But words work much in the same way as the principle of supply and demand: overuse them (increase the supply on hand) and you decrease their value (there is no longer a demand for the word to be used).

We have dumbed-down the depth of meaning in the power of amazing. It’s why we don’t weep in gratitude when we sing, “Amazing Love.” It’s why we no longer “Stand Amazed” in His presence. It’s why we don’t get goosebumps when we sing, “Amazing Grace.” But we should.

Amazing grace. Grace that causes me to stand in wonder at its magnitude. Grace that, in its very scope, tells me it is undeserved. Grace that keeps me safe and that leads me home. Now that…that is amazing!

2 thoughts on “Truly Amazing

  1. Kathy Hess

    Since our beloved sister Betty’s departure to Heaven on 12/18/15, we have mourned deeply.
    It’s nice to hear God is still in charge and always so faithful to our needs.
    He knows our hearts always.

    1. Petals from the Basket Post author

      Sweet Kathy, your beloved sister and my beloved friend left an imprint in my heart that could never be filled by anyone or anything else. Yes, it is truly amazing to be reminded that He is still in charge and is faithful. Before I lost my father last year, he said, “We’ve had troubles, and we’ve been sad, but God has always been faithful.” The faithfulness of God has overwhelmed me since he passed away on my birthday last year. It has been a comfort to me often to remember that God does know our hearts, as you wisely stated. He knows the hurts and the joys, and He knows us personally. Wow! Just wow! That amazes me! I have prayed for you often this past year, and I hope there will soon be a day when we will meet, and I can be a friend to the sister of my forever friend, my dear Betty.

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