Petals from the Basket

The Danger of the Backward Glance

When my nephew was about ten years old, he was running backward (for a school activity), fell, and severely broke his wrist. He’s now headed to med school—so that tells you the time span for this—but through the years, I have been reminded often of this event and have thought about the foolishness of running backward when we are meant to move forward.

Yes, it’s true that we look to the past for lessons (both painful and joyful), for experiences, and for the people and friendships that walked through them with us. But do an experiment for me, will you? Stop right now and turn your head as far as you can to look behind you. In fact, after making sure you have a clear path in front of you, try to walk forward while looking backward. When you’re done, come pick back up at the next paragraph. No hurry…I’ll wait…!

Unless you’re a uniquely gifted contortionist, you probably found the same two things to be true that I did:

The view is partially obstructed when you try to look backward.

No matter how hard you try, you don’t get the big picture when you’re attempting to turn your neck as far to one side as you can. When I spend my days looking at how things were, at how they should have been, or at what happened in the past—even when I think what happened was great—I tend to lose the big picture. I see only the elements I want to see or need to see. My futile attempts to gaze upon what I long to hold onto—whether joy or bitterness, anger or delight—are only partial in their perspective.

I neglect to see that on the other side of that element is the hand of God, lovingly orchestrating the events or the individuals in such a way that my life would benefit, in that given moment, from their influence and for the purpose of propelling me forward. But when my focus is skewed by emotions or unmet expectations, causing me to glance backward with a longing that is no longer a part of the plan for my present, I am missing out on the delight of what that moment, event, or individual did to help guide me into the present moment.

Hebrews 12:2 reminds us to look to Jesus—not to look back at Jesus! He is in front of us, leading the way, with the entire big picture in view! That results in a trust that longs to keep a forward look!

It’s difficult to move forward when you’re looking backward.

In fact, when you’re worried about stumbling over what’s in front of you, it can consume your thoughts, preventing you from moving either forward or backward. You just stand there, paralyzed—afraid to take the next step, because your glance is backward, but your body is headed forward. It’s awkward. It’s frightening. And…it’s unnecessary. Turn your head—your mind, your heart, your focus—and take a good look at where you are and where you want to go. Then keep looking at that goal—and go there!

In the Bible, the author Paul, who had a past that was as sordid and bitterness-inducing as they come, wrote these words in Philippians 3:13-14: “No, dear brothers and sisters, I have not achieved it, but I focus on this one thing: forgetting the past and looking forward to what lies ahead, I press on to reach the end of the race and receive the heavenly prize for which God, through Christ Jesus, is calling us.”

So, learn from the past, embrace the events and individuals from the past who have influenced and made an impact on your present, and then keep a forward focus, eyes fixed on Jesus, pressing toward the goal of being what He wants you to be and doing what He wants you to do today, walking with joyful anticipation down whatever path He has planned for your future!


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Are you allowing the past to obstruct your view of the present and the future?
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