Petals from the Basket

Remembering the Reason for All Worship Music

I’m not on social media to argue or to complain. In fact, intentionally argumentative posts or comments seem to rarely change anyone’s mind or belief system. Therefore, I choose to invest my time elsewhere.

My feed has contained many worship music-related posts lately. As I read some of the name-calling comments from the various views represented, my heart gets sad.

If you like more contemporary worship music, sing it, lead it, share it, respond to it for one reason only: to praise and give glory to God.

If you like more traditional worship music, sing it, lead it, share it, respond to it for one reason only: to praise and give glory to God.

Yes, it matters, as long as the goal matters. But I cannot and will not be the Holy Spirit in another person’s life. Sing and worship with the purpose of giving glory to God—not for the purpose of proving to others that “your way” is “right.” I’ve seen articles about how the traditionalists aren’t singing anymore and also about how the contemporary music creates a style that no one but the worship team can follow. Broad paint brushes rarely get the details pictured accurately.

You have options. You hate the music? Go somewhere else to church, help to change it, or accept it. But arguing for the sole purpose of being right…isn’t.

The “intolerance” of the perceived intolerance of others (by both “sides”) is, quite honestly, becoming intolerable! What is the goal? From the heart…for His glory. Even on social media.

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