Petals from the Basket

God Does, Gives, and Is!

We are setting aside the thirty days of November to be intentional about demonstrating and expressing our gratitude. We’d love for you to join us!

Thanking a friend today for being a good example is quite different from thanking a friend for something he or she has done for you or for something he or she has given to you. Yet how often do we do that very thing with the God Who is a Refuge for the oppressed?

Yes, thanking God for what He does and for the many blessing He gives to us is important, but it is also important to thank Him for Who He is. Take time for a “Praise Walk” this weekend to focus on—and be grateful for—all that God is!

Today’s “leave a comment” question:
How can focusing on Who God is increase your gratitude?
Click here to download the “guide” we are using for the
Thirty Days of Gratitude.
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