Petals from the Basket

Game-Changing Truth

I personally think Titus 1:2 is one of the most important Bible verses to know. In fact, we used it as the starting point for the first entry in our daily devotional book on the promises of God:

“In the hope of eternal life, which God, who cannot lie, promised long ages ago” (Titus 1:2, NASB).

If God were to lie to you, your year would be bleak. If He promised that He would never leave or forsake you (which He promised you in Deuteronomy 31:6) but then left you without His help or His presence, you would have no foundation on which to stand.

But the powerful (and almost easy to pass over) truth of this verse—“who cannot lie”—means that every promise God makes to you is a promise that He will keep.

Every. Promise.

It does not say that He will not lie. To do so would imply that even though He won’t, He could.

It emphatically states: “who cannot lie.” Cannot—does not have the ability to. In other words, His holy character and nature make Him incapable of lying.

Oh, sweet faith-friend, this is a game-changing, life-changing truth! What a precious, solid vase of truth into which we may place our petals of promises today.

His promises are true, and He can be trusted!

God. Cannot. Lie.


Today’s post is taken from Petals of Promises, “January 1.”

To learn more about the book and/or order your copy of our
365-day devotional book that focuses on the promises of God, click here.


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